so different and people have such trouble
relating another person on spectrum?
the way i visualise it is like a circle and stars,
a circle within in which is normal
and on or towards the edge and well outside
and within are stars which are spectrum.
the nature of stars is to be well spaced and apart,
there is little likeness between the stars
except as stars, whereas "normal", the dots
within the circle, a reasonable likeness can be expected.
i actually think my interest in spectrum was/is
a looking for likeness, you can find people with
strong streaks of likeness, or even quite like,
but the differences sorta outweight things.
particularly, where there is a strong streak
of similarity, but dissimilarity also, there
is a sorta manic antagonism that really only
dissipates after a lot of friction and starting
to see the other as a person.
amazingly two stars can be semi-co-incident.